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The ACRTC-2 Board

The ACRTC Board uses a Generic Array Logic device (GAL) to significantly reduce the chip count.

IC1 is a GAL22V10D
This part is an electrically erasable programmable logic device.
The very popular and inexpensive TL866A MiniPro Programmer was used here to program the above part. Before attempting to program the GAL with a TL866A check the following ...
App Software Ver: 6.85
Firmware Ver: 03.2.86
... and upgrade if necessary before proceeding.
Programming IC1
1. Download the following file:
2. Launch the TL866A's Application Software (MiniPro Programmer)
3. Using the 'Select IC' button set the device type to LATTICE GAL22V10D
4. Goto Open(O) from the File(F) menu and browse in the downloaded .jed file
5. Goto Program(P) from the Device(D) menu
6. Insert a GAL22V10D part in the TL866A's ZIF socket
7. Click the 'Program' button
  'Programming Successful!' appears
8. Click the 'Cancel' button
9. Remove the programmed GAL22V10D
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Mega-Micros Home
12 Edgefield Close
Redditch B98 7WB
+44 (0)7973 265572