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Redditch B98 7WB
+44 (0)7973 265572
68000 68030 CPLD FPGA ARM
The Memory-3.1 Board
This is an updated Memory-3 Board.
The board provides the same features as the earlier board i.e.
4M ROM (can be 1x 4M or split 2M+2M and bootable from either half).

2M or 8M total RAM when fully populated.

This board is fully compatible with the 68230 Board.

By default, when power is first applied or following a hardware reset, the RAM is disabled and the ROM base address is set to 000000h. This is referred to as Mode 0 or BV (Boot Vector) Mode.

The Stack Pointer (SP) will be loaded with the 32-bit address stored in ROM address 000000h and the Program Counter (PC) will be loaded with the 32-bit address stored in ROM address 000004h.

In Mode 1 or RU (RAM Unlocked) Mode the following applies:

The ROM base address is fixed at C00000h.

The RAM base address is fixed at 000000h.

The transition from Mode 0 to Mode 1 occurs automatically when an address anywhere in the Mode 1 ROM address space (C00000h - FFFFFFh) is read, this action unlocks (enables) the RAM and relocates the ROM.

BV Mode can be disabled if not required.

RAM Options
2x AS6C4008 DIP IC IC1 & IC3 1M total RAM  
4x AS6C4008 DIP IC IC1 & IC3 + IC5 & IC7 2M total RAM  
2x CY62167ELL SMD IC IC1 & IC3 4M total RAM Requires 2x RAM Adapters
4x CY62167ELL SMD IC IC1 & IC3 + IC5 & IC7 8M total RAM Requires 4x RAM Adapters
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Mega-Micros Home
12 Edgefield Close
Redditch B98 7WB
+44 (0)7973 265572