Programming with GCC |
Here you will
find short example programs designed to help
with programming the Mega-68000 and Mega-68030 Computer
Systems using GCC. |
The GNU Compiler
Collection (GCC) is an Assembler, C Compiler, Linker,
and an Object Copy tool produced by the GNU Project
team, add to this the GNU Make utility and one has a
development environment that is far more capable than
Easy68K. |
To successfully
build example1 and example2 (below) the GNU Compiler
Collection (GCC) must be preinstalled. Installation of
the the GNU Make
utility is optional as alternative script files are
provided, however it is highly recommended that you
install both - future example programs will require GNU
Make. |
GCC installation
instructions can be found here: |
Software/GCC |
GNU Make installation
instructions can be found here: |
Software/Make |
started |
Follow the instructions below to create a very simple
executable program that can be downloaded to a
Mega-680x0 Computer System and run from RAM using the
built-in Monitor program. The source
code can be used as a GCC template for writing more
complex programs that will run on
any Mega-680x0 Computer System.
The example presented here simply displays "12340000"
shortly followed by "00005678" on the Hex Display Board. |
1. |
Download the following ZIP file: |
gcc_example1 |
2. |
Extract the contents of the ZIP file to a
new folder |
Remember the name and location of the folder, |
will be referred to as the project folder |
Tip: it is
convenient to keep the path to the project
folder short, |
we will use c:\gcc |
3. |
the contents of the project folder - there should
be 4
files: |
example1.s |
Source File |
makefile |
GNU Make File | |
Script File | |
File |
4. |
Sign in to
Linux |
5. |
Type: cd /mnt/c/gcc |
6. |
Type: ls |
Linux OS
will list the 4 files - confirm before
continuing |
7. |
Option1 -
Type: make |
Option2 - Type:
'dot'+'slash'+'' i.e. ./ |
In the
Windows project folder there will now be a an
example1.srec file |
8. |
Open the
example1.srec file using Windows Notepad |
9. |
Copy ALL
the text to the Windows Clipboard |
10. |
Start the
Mega-680x0 Computer System |
11. |
At the
SYS> prompt type: LO |
12. |
Paste the
copied text into the Console Window |
Mega-680x0 receives and processes the S-Record
formatted binary file, |
reception is complete, the Mega-680x0 will
accept the
next command |
13. |
At the
SYS> prompt type: G1
or GD
100000 to run the program |
GCC coding example |
Hex Display
Board functional test - cycles through 0-F on each digit in turn. |
Download the
ZIP file:
gcc_example2 |
Files |
Each GCC example ZIP file contains two Linux Script Files.
These scripts are a quick and dirty first attempt at making the
command line driven GNU Compiler
Collection (GCC) no more difficult to use than the
simple Windows based EASy68K
IDE (Integrated Development Environment). |
./ |
This script requires no input from the user whatsoever
while invoking the GCC Compiler/Assembler, Linker, and
Object Copy tool to generate a Motorola S-Record
formatted Mega-680x0 compatible binary file plus a raw binary
for good measure. |
Tip: If you have GNU
Make installed it is easier to type: make |
./ |
This script
deletes all files generated by the script or
'make' command. |
Tip: If you have GNU
Make installed it is easier to type: make clean |
The V1.0 Script Files
are unique to each example, therefore you cannot use
the Script Files from example1 with example2 or
vice-versa. |