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12 Edgefield Close
Redditch B98 7WB
+44 (0)7973 265572
68000 68030 CPLD FPGA ARM
The 68000 CPU-2.1 Board
The purpose of this test is to see if we have a running processor but keep in mind it does not guarantee we have a FULLY functional board.
Set J2 & J4 on the 68000 CPU-2.1 Board to the test positions as shown in RED below and remove J3
Plug the 68000 CPU-2.1 Board into the system backplane
Remove ALL other boards
Apply power!
LD1 and LD2 should flash briefly
LD3 and LD4 should cycle through the following LED patterns and repeat indefinitely while power is applied
Press and hold S1 (Reset Button) or place a Jumper on CN2
LD3 and LD4 should stop cycling
LD1 and LD2 should illuminate
Return J2 & J4 to their default positions and refit J3 once testing is complete
J2 & J4 default positions - pins 2-3 short
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Mega-Micros Home
12 Edgefield Close
Redditch B98 7WB
+44 (0)7973 265572