68000 CPU Board |
The purpose of
this test is to see if we have a running processor but
keep in mind it does not guarantee we have a FULLY
functional board. |
Set J2 on the
68000 CPU Board to the test position as shown in
RED below |
Plug the 68000
CPU Board into the system backplane |
Remove ALL
other boards |
Apply power! |
LD1 and LD2
should flash briefly |
LD3, LD4, LD5,
and LD6 should cycle through the following LED patterns
and repeat indefinitely while power is applied |
Press and hold
S1 (Reset Button) or place a Jumper on J1 |
LD3, LD4, LD5,
and LD6 should stop cycling |
LD1 and LD2
should illuminate |
Return J2 to
the normal position once testing is complete |
J2 pins 2-3 short
- normal operation |