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Redditch B98 7WB
+44 (0)7973 265572
68000 68030 CPLD FPGA ARM
The Memory-2 Board
J1 BVD - Boot Vector Disable
Placing a Jumper (as shown in RED below) disables Mode 0 or BV (Boot Vector) Mode.
Mode 0 or BV (Boot Vector) Mode   Mode 0 or BV (Boot Vector) Mode
JB1 P39 - ROM Configuration
This Jumper Block allocates either the upper 256K or the lower 256K of the 512K ROM to the ROM address space (FC0000h - FFFFFFh).

Alternatively the whole 512K of ROM can be allocated to the address range F80000h - FFFFFFh.


For the 512K ROM option to work correctly IC2 pin 6 needs to be isolated and tied high, or (better) IC2 reprogrammed so that A18 plays no part in IC2's ROM address decoding scheme.

The desired option can be set with a Jumper (as shown in RED below).

Lower 256K   Upper 256K   512K
00000h - 3FFFFh   40000h - 7FFFFh   00000h - 7FFFFh
00000h - 1FFFFh (16)   20000h - 3FFFFh (16)   00000h - 3FFFFh (16)
Memory-2 Board - Jumpers highlighted in RED
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Mega-Micros Home
12 Edgefield Close
Redditch B98 7WB
+44 (0)7973 265572